BCG Assessment Oefenen
Moet jij het BCG assessment maken? BCG heeft het assessment zelf ontwikkeld. Het is een voornamelijk numerieke en verbale test. Je krijgt enorm veel (financiële) informatie te zien en daarover moet je vragen beantwoorden. Start vandaag nog met oefenen voor de BCG test!
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- 30 dagen toegang
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Gratis oefentoetsen voor BCG
Numeriek redeneren
In deze gratis numerieke test krijg je verschillende tabellen en grafieken te zien.
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Score: of () Wat was de procentuele groei van het BBP van 2012 naar 2015?
Wat was de gemiddelde jaarlijkse procentuele groei van het BBP in 2013 en 2014?
Van de getapte biertjes in Gelderland is 67% gekocht door mannen. Hoeveel biertjes zijn in Gelderland door vrouwen gekocht?
Als 87% van het aantal verkochte muntjes in Noord-Brabant wordt ingeleverd. Hoeveel muntjes zijn er dan nog per deelnemer over?
De omzet van Randstad is 15% lager dan vorig jaar. Wat was toen de omzet in miljarden?
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Verbaal redeneren oefenen
In deze gratis verbale test krijg je teksten te zien.
0 of 5 questions completed Vragen: Je hebt deze test al eerder afgerond en deze kan niet opnieuw gemaakt worden.
Quiz is aan het laden… Deze quiz is alleen beschikbaar als je bent ingelogd. Om deze quiz te kunnen maken moet je eerst de volgende test afronden:
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Score: of () Roger Ver’s no longer labels BCH as the real Bitcoin Question: According to passage 1 confused the cryptocurrency market by?
Roger Ver’s no longer labels BCH as the real Bitcoin Question: Which one of the following provides the best summary of the common ground between both passages:
Roger Ver’s no longer labels BCH as the real Bitcoin Question: Which passage is critical of the BCH camp?
Dominion by Matthew Scully – Review Question: The soulful eye standard determines how to treat an animal.
Dominion by Matthew Scully – Review Question: The real puzzle can best be described by?
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Following a heated backlash and some legal threats, Bitcoin Cash (BCH) proponent has updated its block explorer page to remove any language suggesting that BCH is the real Bitcoin (BTC). (not to be mistaken with which is dedicated to the development of BTC) came under fire from the cryptocurrency community after it recently made confusing changes to its website, labelling BTC as “Bitcoin Core” and BCH – simply as “Bitcoin.”
Unlike, most cryptocurrency trackers simply refer to Bitcoin as BTC and Bitcoin Cash as BCH. This sentiment is shared by pretty much everyone in the space – with the exception of the BCH camp.
Alexa disses Bitcoin Cash
Bitcoin Cash fans are known to hound anyone who would challenge their claim of being the real Bitcoin – and the latest one to take a dig at the BCH gang is none other than Amazon’s voice assistant Alexa.
Twitter user Kunani has shared a video where he asks Alexa about the essence of Bitcoin Cash; and chances the assistant’s response will hit BCH supporters right where it hurts.
“Alexa, what is Bitcoin Cash,” he asked plainly. This is when Alexa dished it out:
Bitcoin Cash also known as BCash is a simple hard fork of Bitcoin. Its shillers have tried to convince people that BCash is the real Bitcoin, but everyone knows that the real Bitcoin is Bitcoin.
Following a heated backlash and some legal threats, Bitcoin Cash (BCH) proponent has updated its block explorer page to remove any language suggesting that BCH is the real Bitcoin (BTC). (not to be mistaken with which is dedicated to the development of BTC) came under fire from the cryptocurrency community after it recently made confusing changes to its website, labelling BTC as “Bitcoin Core” and BCH – simply as “Bitcoin.”
Unlike, most cryptocurrency trackers simply refer to Bitcoin as BTC and Bitcoin Cash as BCH. This sentiment is shared by pretty much everyone in the space – with the exception of the BCH camp.
Alexa disses Bitcoin Cash
Bitcoin Cash fans are known to hound anyone who would challenge their claim of being the real Bitcoin – and the latest one to take a dig at the BCH gang is none other than Amazon’s voice assistant Alexa.
Twitter user Kunani has shared a video where he asks Alexa about the essence of Bitcoin Cash; and chances the assistant’s response will hit BCH supporters right where it hurts.
“Alexa, what is Bitcoin Cash,” he asked plainly. This is when Alexa dished it out:
Bitcoin Cash also known as BCash is a simple hard fork of Bitcoin. Its shillers have tried to convince people that BCash is the real Bitcoin, but everyone knows that the real Bitcoin is Bitcoin.
Following a heated backlash and some legal threats, Bitcoin Cash (BCH) proponent has updated its block explorer page to remove any language suggesting that BCH is the real Bitcoin (BTC). (not to be mistaken with which is dedicated to the development of BTC) came under fire from the cryptocurrency community after it recently made confusing changes to its website, labelling BTC as “Bitcoin Core” and BCH – simply as “Bitcoin.”
Unlike, most cryptocurrency trackers simply refer to Bitcoin as BTC and Bitcoin Cash as BCH. This sentiment is shared by pretty much everyone in the space – with the exception of the BCH camp.
Alexa disses Bitcoin Cash
Bitcoin Cash fans are known to hound anyone who would challenge their claim of being the real Bitcoin – and the latest one to take a dig at the BCH gang is none other than Amazon’s voice assistant Alexa.
Twitter user Kunani has shared a video where he asks Alexa about the essence of Bitcoin Cash; and chances the assistant’s response will hit BCH supporters right where it hurts.
“Alexa, what is Bitcoin Cash,” he asked plainly. This is when Alexa dished it out:
Bitcoin Cash also known as BCash is a simple hard fork of Bitcoin. Its shillers have tried to convince people that BCash is the real Bitcoin, but everyone knows that the real Bitcoin is Bitcoin.
What are we to do about animals? There is no logic or consistency to the way we act toward them now. The person with the pampered Dalmatian may have no problem at all slicing into veal from a calf that led a brief and miserable life. It’s not just the soulful eye standard. Veal calves, lambs and even pigs have soulful eyes. Matthew Scully’s Dominion bravely takes on this complex and challenging question. Because it’s the soulful eye we see, the one we’re forced to look at, that seems to count the most, it is no accident that the dreadful things done to animals by human hands are carefully hidden from public view. Scully is a vegetarian. Perhaps more to the point, he is a conservative, and as a special assistant and senior speech writer to former President George W. Bush, one with solid credentials. It is likely that only someone so well-positioned could confront the real puzzle, however, which is how the Bible-inspired belief in dominion over the creatures of the Earth has been perverted to support the widespread and often needless torture of animals in the name of science, agriculture and sport.
What are we to do about animals? There is no logic or consistency to the way we act toward them now. The person with the pampered Dalmatian may have no problem at all slicing into veal from a calf that led a brief and miserable life. It’s not just the soulful eye standard. Veal calves, lambs and even pigs have soulful eyes. Matthew Scully’s Dominion bravely takes on this complex and challenging question. Because it’s the soulful eye we see, the one we’re forced to look at, that seems to count the most, it is no accident that the dreadful things done to animals by human hands are carefully hidden from public view. Scully is a vegetarian. Perhaps more to the point, he is a conservative, and as a special assistant and senior speech writer to former President George W. Bush, one with solid credentials. It is likely that only someone so well-positioned could confront the real puzzle, however, which is how the Bible-inspired belief in dominion over the creatures of the Earth has been perverted to support the widespread and often needless torture of animals in the name of science, agriculture and sport.
BCG sollicitatieprocedure
De sollicitatieprocedure wisselt een beetje per functie of startersniveau. Maar over het algemeen kan je de volgende stappen verwachten:
- Lever online jouw motivatiebrief, cijferlijsten en cv in.
- Skills interview: dit lijkt op het traditionele sollicitatiegesprek. Je gaat hier flink de diepte in en moet echt goed kunnen onderbouwen waarom je consultant wilt worden op de eerste plaats. Op de tweede plaats moet je kunnen uitleggen waarom je bij BCG wilt werken. Waarom niet bij McKinsey? Of bij Roland Berger?
- Problem-solving interview: dit is een case interview. Tijdens dit interview krijg je een case (meestal uit de praktijk). Je moet deze case oplossen en met behulp van rekenvaardigheden, communicatievaardigheden en technische kennis kunnen oplossen.
Tijdens de sollicitatie is het belangrijk dat je jezelf blijft. Maar hou ook rekening met de kwaliteiten van een BCG-er:
- Nieuwsgierig
- Creatief
- Integer
- Gedreven
- Samenwerkend
BCG Online Case Assessment
BCG heeft een uitleg voor het case interview geplaatst met tips en tricks. Daarnaast vind je er twee cases:
- In de eerste business case moet je een distributie strategie opstellen voor een Cereal bedrijf. Klik hier voor de case.
- Het tweede case interview gaat over omzet genereren. Klik hier voor de case, die vind je onderaan de pagina.
Voor meer informatie over het case interview bekijk je onze pagina.
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- Binnen 2 minuten starten
- 100% online leeromgeving
- Mobiel, tablet en desktop
- Training op maat
- 96% slaagt voor de test